How will I be introduced to an RMO mentor?

The process of introducing you to a suitable RMO includes a conference call to allow you and the potential RMO to approve each other before moving forward with the application process. We highly recommend you schedule the first meeting following the conference call. We locate an RMO based on your location and requested license classification(s).

What are the guarantees?

We guarantee the approval of the RMO on your new license. We will replace with no additional charge an RMO who cannot serve as a qualifier.

What happens if my RMO quits?

If your RMO quits (not due to any issues on your part), we will provide you with a replacement RMO at no cost to you*. Your license will remain active throughout the replacement process and the license number will remain the same even after your RMO is replaced.

*RMO replacement is subject to current RMO availability. We will do our best to locate a new RMO if no such RMO is available at this time.