Featured in this edition:
- Graduate to Construction
- Fathers in Construction
- CSLB Meeting
- Fire Protection Contractors
- Refer A Friend & Get Paid
Graduate to Construction
Throughout May and June young adults are graduating high school all across our fine state. Some graduates know exactly what they want to do after high school, some do not.
A great option for a career choice is the construction industry. Some might ask why the construction industry?
A better question would be – why not? General contractors make good money in California, easily clearing $100k a year in most markets, and becoming a general contractor doesn’t require a 4-year degree or any of the other nonsense that comes along with other high-paying jobs.
For anyone who detests school – but likes building things – being a general contractor is a career that is full of fulfillment and financial rewards. By stepping onto the path to being a Class B licensed general contractor, any young adult can find themselves in a full-fledged career in just 4 years, making 3-4 times what their college-attending peers would with little to no debt to get there.
There’s really so many upsides to being a general contractor – and considering it’s a job that will always be in demand, it’s a great way to future-proof yourself from the rapid change we are all experiencing every day.
Neither a high school diploma or a college degree is required to become a general contractor and with our program we provide a fast, legal alternative to taking the test and can guide you or someone you know on the path to a new career.
Fathers In Construction
Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the fathers in our lives. Fathers in the construction industry not only build our communities, but they are providing for their families while doing so. Construction work is hard and often in dangerous and challenging conditions, and they deserve our respect and admiration.
The US construction industry employs roughly 8.5 million men. The average age of a construction worker in the US is 42 years old, and the majority of construction workers are fathers.
Construction workers face many challenges on the job, including long hours, dangerous working conditions, and exposure to harsh weather. They also often have to travel away from home for work. Despite these challenges, construction workers are dedicated to their jobs and to their families.
Fathers in the construction industry are role models for their children and their community. They teach their children the importance of hard work, dedication, and safety. They also teach their children the value of teamwork and cooperation.
On this Father’s Day, let’s take a moment to celebrate the fathers in the construction industry. Let’s thank them for their hard work and dedication. And let’s let them know how much we appreciate them.
Contractors State License Board - Notice of Public Board Meeting June 13-14, 2024
Day 1: Thursday, June 13, 2024, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
(or until the conclusion of business)
Newport Beach Marriott Bayview Hotel
500 Bayview Circle, Newport Ballroom
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Day 2: Friday, June 14, 2024, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
(or until the conclusion of business)
Newport Beach Marriott Bayview Hotel
500 Bayview Circle, Newport Ballroom
Newport Beach, CA 92660
The June 13, 2014, meeting will be live webcast (with an approximate 30-second delay). Links are available at the end of this agenda. The June 14, 2024, meeting will be in person only, no live webcast.
The meeting is open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the Open Meeting Act. All times when stated are approximate and subject to change without prior notice at the discretion of the Board unless listed as “time certain.” Items may be taken out of order to maintain a quorum, accommodate a speaker, or for convenience. Action may be taken on any item listed on this agenda, including information-only items. The meeting may be canceled without notice.
Members of the public can address the Board during the public comment session. Public comments will also be taken on agenda items at the time the item is heard and prior to the Board taking any action on these items. Total time allocated for public comment may be limited at the discretion of the Board Chair.
Note: The webcast for the June 13, 2024 meeting can be found at www.cslb.ca.gov or on the board’s YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/ContractorsBoard/. Webcast availability cannot, however, be guaranteed due to limitations on resources or technical difficulties. The meetings will continue even if the webcast is unavailable.
Note that viewers of the webcast can only view the meeting, not participate.
The meetings are accessible to those needing special accommodation. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meetings may make a request by calling (916) 255-4000 or emailing Robin.williams@cslb.ca.gov,or by mail to 9821 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, CA, 95827. Providing any request at least five business days before the meetings will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.
Contractors State License Board Reminds C-16 Fire Protection Contractors About Required Certification
The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) has an important reminder for C-16 Fire Protection contractors and their employees.
C-16 license qualifiers and journey-level personnel who install or repair water-based fire protection systems for commercial or multi-family dwellings must obtain a Fire Sprinkler Fitter Certification.
Apprentices and trainees working for a C-16 contractor must obtain a Fire Sprinkler Fitter Registration.
C-16 licensees and their employees who fail to get this certification or registration before performing fire protection installations or repairs may face CSLB disciplinary action.
Please note this certification does not apply to C-16 contractors who work on residential one and two-family homes.
To learn more about the Fire Sprinkler Fitter Certification and Registration requirements, please refer to the Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems pageon the Office of the State Fire Marshal’s website at https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/ or email the office directly at AES@fire.ca.gov.
Know someone who needs a license or wants to become an RMO?
Earn $250 cash or $500 credit off your monthly RMO service for each referral that signs up with RMO Agency.
Click the link to refer your friends to our program.
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Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.
"Referred by a friend..."
Jeremy talks about how it was a friend who referred him to our program. Refer your friends and you get paid and your friend gets a discount!