Top 10 Common Contractor Mistakes, So You Can Avoid Them

150 150 Gal Bigaleizn

We have created this guide of common mistakes made by some contractors, so you can recognize them and avoid these mistakes before you make them yourself.

We will be adding a new tip each week, so make sure to come back learn more.

1 – Working Without a License

The number 1 and possibly the most damaging mistake an individual acting as a contractor can make is taking construction work without a license. First-time offenders face up to 6 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000. We know getting a contractor’s license takes time, money, and a lot of studying, but having a license is a must and the consequences of not doing so are quite serious in California. There are legal licensing alternatives to the exam, which may be of interest to you. One of them is by working under a Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) for 5 years and then qualifying on your own. RMO Agency can find an RMO in your area and help you get licensed without taking an exam. Never work without a license or you take the risk of getting caught by CSLB.