RMO World

RMO World – Issue 21: July 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Featured in this edition:

  • Quarterly RMO Ambassador Luncheon
  • CSLB Rule Changes
  • Statewide Unlicensed Contractor Busts
  • Refer A Friend & Get Paid

Our Quarterly RMO Ambassador Luncheon

This past month we hosted our quarterly RMO Ambassador Luncheon. Once every quarter we like to get together with some of our local RMO Ambassadors, treat them to lunch, hear their stories and get their feedback on how we can better serve them. These lunches also provide our RMOs with networking opportunities to grow their own businesses and create new friendships with like-minded individuals. This time we all got together at Lucille’s Smokehouse. Great food with some great people! We love to connect with our RMO Agency family and it was wonderful to spend the afternoon together. Here are some pictures from the event. We were also able to talk to our RMOs on camera and you will be seeing some of the footage in the near future, so look out for it! Thank you to all of our Ambassadors who made it out that day! If you are an active RMO and would like to join a future luncheon, please feel free to contact us! And remember, if you have any questions related to your contractor’s license / RMO service, do not hesitate to reach out, we are here for you and enjoy connecting with you!

Proposed Rule Changes From The CSLB

For some time now there has been a back-and-forth conversation about who is legally able to install  Battery energy storage systems;
C10 (electrical contractor) or C46 (solar contractor)

CSLB Resource

Existing law:
Existing law expressly authorizes the C-10 Electrical Contractor and the C-46 Solar Contractor classifications to install photovoltaic solar energy systems (PV systems), as follows:

  • An electrical contractor places, installs, erects or connects any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatus, raceways, conduits, solar photovoltaic cells or any part thereof, which generate, transmit, transform or utilize electrical energy in any form or for any purpose. (CCR, tit. 16, § 832.10.)
  • A solar contractor installs, modifies, maintains, and repairs thermal and photovoltaic solar energy systems. A licensee classified in this section shall not undertake or perform building or construction trades, crafts, or skills, except when required to install a thermal or photovoltaic solar energy system. (CCR, tit. 16, § 832.46.)

This proposal would:

  • Add a new definition of “battery energy storage system” to section 810, “Definitions,” of Article 1, Division 8, of Title 16.
  • Add “battery energy storage systems” to the description of the C-10 Electrical Contractor classification in section 832.10, “Class C-10 – Electrical Contractor,” of Article 3, Division 8, of Title 16. The proposal also replaces “solar photovoltaic cells” in section 832.10 with the more accurate “photovoltaic solar energy systems” from current section 832.46.
  • Revise the existing section 832.46, “Class C-46 – Solar Contractor,” of Article 3, Division 8, of Title 16, by adding two new paragraphs to establish, for the purposes of the C-46 classification, that: (1) a BESS, as defined, is not required to install a PV system and shall not be considered within the scope of the C-46 Solar Contractor classification except as specified in the next subdivision; and (2) the C-46 installation of a BESS is incidental and supplemental to the work of a C-46 Solar Contractor when the BESS is installed at the same time as PV system and the BESS rating does not exceed 80 kWh.

So it sounds like CSLB is proposing a change and a verbal clarification that allows the C10 to install BESS and allows C46 to install it only if incidental and supplemental to the work of the solar contractor and the BESS rating does not exceed 80 kWh.

CSLB Is Coming Down On Unlicensed Contractors

Just in the last month, the CSLB has had several major busts on unlicensed contractors and in the process arrested well over 100 suspects.

Do NOT let yourself be caught up in something like that. A bust like that on your record can not only destroy your professional career, but it can destroy your life as well.

A bust in Tahoe saw 7 suspects arrested for submitting bids for jobs they were not licensed to do. Read More HERE

A sting in Orange County saw 8 individuals arrested, not only for bidding on work they were not properly licensed for, but also for illegally advertising for that work. Remember as a business owner there are laws for how you advertise your business. Read More HERE

A sting in Rancho Cordova uncovered 10 individuals who were allegedly contracting without a license. During the operation, CSLB cited 10 individuals for allegedly conducting contracting activities without the required license. These offenders have been issued Notices to Appear in criminal court, where they could face legal consequences, including fines up to $15,000 and/or jail time. Engaging in contracting work without a contractor’s license is a misdemeanor offense in California. Read More HERE

CSLB’s Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT) collaborated with the Sonoma County District Attorney’s Office on the sting operation. The alleged unlicensed contractors were invited to submit bids for various construction projects at a designated property. The sting operation resulted in eight individuals being given a notice to appear in criminal court. All may now face legal consequences, which can include substantial fines and potential jail time. Read More HERE

Over three weeks, CSLB joined forces with local law enforcement to conduct undercover sting operations in Sonoma, Sacramento, Madera, and San Bernardino counties. The stings targeted unlicensed contractors, with investigators contacting the suspects through their advertisements. Now 90 alleged unlicensed contractors face legal action. Read More HERE

20 unlicensed contractors were cited in CSLB sting operations in Madera and San Bernardino Counties. The operations took place in late June and resulted in 20 individuals being served with Notices to Appear in criminal court for allegedly engaging in contracting activities without the required license. These individuals are now facing legal consequences, including substantial fines and potential jail time. Read More HERE

Know someone who needs a license or wants to become an RMO?

Earn $250 cash or $500 credit off your monthly RMO service for each referral that signs up with RMO Agency.

Click the link to refer your friends to our program.

Your Satisfaction Is Our Success!

Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.


Based on 755 reviews
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Sebastian Franco
19:19 06 Mar 25
If you ever run across RMO Agency, make sure you don't pick another company. The team that they have built is incredible and the information they provide is well-versed! Also if you get Cher, Cecy and Wendy to help you through the process, just know that they will take care of you every step of the way! Highly recommended to any construction company or contractor!
Lindsay Shenkman
22:23 05 Mar 25
I was with the RMO company for 5 years, and just recently graduated last week. My RMO was great to work with and the RMO company was always there to answer any questions or help navigate any issues with the CSLB. We appreciate all they have done for us and am looking forward to becoming my own RMO to another company in the future.
Angel Salazar
21:55 05 Mar 25
Had a great experience working with RMO. Angelika helped us put a lot and was very helpful being there every step of the way.
See All Reviews


Congratulations, Graduate!


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RMO World – Issue 20: June 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Featured in this edition:

  • It’s Worth It!
  • Video Shorts
  • Contractor TV Interview
  • Refer A Friend & Get Paid

Why RMO Agency is Worth It, and More!...

Avi, a recent RMO Agency graduate talks about his experience with RMO Agency and why he signed up and explains why RMO Agency is worth it.

RMO Agency Video Shorts

Check out our new series of Shorts on YouTube. 1 minute or less videos from our RMOs and graduates sharing their experience and thoughts about the RMO Agency program.

And we are ADDING MORE every week!

If you’ve gone through the RMO Agency program to get your license or are one of our RMOs and would like to share your story, please let us know and we can set up a short Zoom call. We love to hear your stories!

Contractor TV Interview - Why Contractors Are Signing Up to be RMOs with RMO Agency

In this short and informative interview, you will learn how contractors with an Active, Inactive, or Expired License can make Extra Monthly Income by becoming an RMO and or a Qualifying Agent. Kevin Leipsic, host of ContractorTV and the CEO of The Contractors Resource Center interviews Gal, VP of Operations at RMO Agency. Kevin and Gal discuss how the process works, how contractors are creating additional revenue streams, and how individuals can get their contractor’s license without having to take a test!

Kevin is the president of the Contractors Resource Center and a contractor insurance specialist.
kevin@thecontractorsresourcecenter.com • 800-992-1712

Know someone who needs a license or wants to become an RMO?

Earn $250 cash or $500 credit off your monthly RMO service for each referral that signs up with RMO Agency.

Click the link to refer your friends to our program.

Your Satisfaction Is Our Success!

Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.


Based on 755 reviews
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Sebastian Franco
19:19 06 Mar 25
If you ever run across RMO Agency, make sure you don't pick another company. The team that they have built is incredible and the information they provide is well-versed! Also if you get Cher, Cecy and Wendy to help you through the process, just know that they will take care of you every step of the way! Highly recommended to any construction company or contractor!
Lindsay Shenkman
22:23 05 Mar 25
I was with the RMO company for 5 years, and just recently graduated last week. My RMO was great to work with and the RMO company was always there to answer any questions or help navigate any issues with the CSLB. We appreciate all they have done for us and am looking forward to becoming my own RMO to another company in the future.
Angel Salazar
21:55 05 Mar 25
Had a great experience working with RMO. Angelika helped us put a lot and was very helpful being there every step of the way.
See All Reviews


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • Alegria Builder Inc
  • Turn Time Contractors
  • Reliable Construction Specialists Inc
  • Z Lock N Key Inc dba A I Builders


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RMO World – Issue 19: May 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Featured in this edition:

  • Contractor TV Interview
  • RMO Agency Cupcakes!!
  • Managing Treated Wood Waste
  • Build Your Own Death Star
  • Refer A Friend & Get Paid

Contractor TV Interview - English & Español

Check out the interview our very own Cossetty Valerio did with Kevin Leipsic at Contractor TV.

The Contractor TV YouTube Channel has been providing great information for contractors, and we are grateful to have them in our affiliate network! Contractor TV Channel

**NEW** We now offer full support in Spanish for new contractors wanting to obtain their license with the help of an RMO!!

RMO Agency Cupcakes!!

One of our wonderful RMOs surprised us with some delicious, custom-decorated cupcakes. They even featured our hard-working beaver, Rowdy. Thank you so much, Miquan!

Managing Treated Wood Waste

Sacramento, CA – The Contractors State License Board has been advised of additional resources for contractors working with treated wood.

On behalf of the treated wood industry, the Western Wood Preservers Institute (WWPI) has geared outreach efforts toward California residents, businesses, contractors, landfills, transfer stations, and waste haulers who are involved in treated wood waste (TWW) disposal. AB 332, which passed in 2021, required the wood-preserving industry to work with state regulators to conduct educational outreach efforts on the handling and disposal requirements.

In spring 2022, WWPI launched the TWWDisposal.org website to provide key information on disposal, including links to landfills authorized to accept treated wood waste. Thousands have accessed the site to learn how to identify treated wood waste and understand the requirements for handling, storage, labeling, and transportation of treated wood waste. To enhance understanding of the regulations, the website is available in both English and Spanish-language versions. The website also includes guidance for contractors who may be generating or disposing of treated wood waste.

Since last year, the City of Sacramento now offers treated wood waste disposal through its Household Junk Pickup Program, becoming the first city in the state to do so. Additionally, the re:source website serving Alameda County, Contra Costa County, and the City of Palo Alto now provides disposal locations that accept treated wood waste.

CSLB is distributing this message pursuant to subdivision (e) of Health and Safety Code Section 25230.15. Please refer to the Department of Toxic Substances Control website for information on treated wood waste or to the Western Wood Preservers Institute for more information about this message or about treated wood waste in California.

Build Your Own Death Star

in honor of May 4th – Star Wars Day, we were wondering what it would take to build a Death Star. Who doesn’t want their own Death Star?!

Size estimates of the Death Star vary between 75 miles and 99.5 miles in diameter, that’s pretty big. So mostly, you’re gonna need money and lots of it. Estimates go up to $852 quadrillion, that 852 followed by 15 zeros.

This mega project would require a lot of steel. By some calculations, the Earth has enough iron in its core to provide for two million Death Stars. But you wouldn’t want to sacrifice our planet for an army of deadly weapons, would you? Even if you took only the amount of iron needed for one Death Star, it would take over 830,000 years to produce enough steel so you could begin construction. It would take millions of rocket launches to get the steel where it needed to go.

Then you gotta man the Death Star. Weapon or not, this space station would require 1.7 million staff to run the station’s retail shops and troop cafeterias.

Add 25,984 stormtroopers and 342,953 Imperial Navy soldiers, and you’ll get 2,068,937 people living aboard the Death Star. If each person on the Death Star created 1.13 kg (2.5 lb) of waste every day, it would cost $564,925 daily not to turn the Death Star into a landfill. That doesn’t include people who fell into a trash compactor and weren’t able to blast their way out.

The daily electricity bill would add up to $52 billion. $274,000 to feed the crew, with another $20,400 to supply tea or coffee. $233,000 for one cycle of laundry. You wouldn’t expect your troopers to run around in dirty underwear, right?

The total for keeping the Death Star operational would amount to $7.8 octillion — every day.

Know someone who needs a license or wants to become an RMO?

Earn $250 cash or $500 credit off your monthly RMO service for each referral that signs up with RMO Agency.

Click the link to refer your friends to our program.

Your Satisfaction Is Our Success!

Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.


Based on 755 reviews
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Sebastian Franco
19:19 06 Mar 25
If you ever run across RMO Agency, make sure you don't pick another company. The team that they have built is incredible and the information they provide is well-versed! Also if you get Cher, Cecy and Wendy to help you through the process, just know that they will take care of you every step of the way! Highly recommended to any construction company or contractor!
Lindsay Shenkman
22:23 05 Mar 25
I was with the RMO company for 5 years, and just recently graduated last week. My RMO was great to work with and the RMO company was always there to answer any questions or help navigate any issues with the CSLB. We appreciate all they have done for us and am looking forward to becoming my own RMO to another company in the future.
Angel Salazar
21:55 05 Mar 25
Had a great experience working with RMO. Angelika helped us put a lot and was very helpful being there every step of the way.
See All Reviews


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • IDB Construction


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RMO World – Issue 18: April 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Featured in this edition:

  • Welcome To Our New Website
  • Repeat Offender Sentenced to 7 Years
  • Skyscrapers Made Of Wood
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

Welcome To Our New Website!!

In case you haven’t noticed, we have launched our new website. We still offer the same great service to our clients and the construction industry, just with a fresh new look! We are excited about the new look and hope you enjoy it.

Repeat Unlicensed Contractor Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

SACRAMENTO, CA – A Modesto man who was on the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Most Wanted list has been sentenced to state prison again for charges related to unlicensed contracting.

A Contra Costa County judge sentenced 42-year-old Adan Contreras Rivas to seven years and eight months in state prison on March 10 after he was convicted in February of multiple felonies and misdemeanors related to unlicensed contracting, fraud,
theft, and failing to obtain workers’ compensation insurance.

The Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office filed an initial complaint against Rivas in March 2022 following an investigation into his actions that led to his eventual arrest. He was released on his own recognizance.

Rivas was invited to a sting CSLB conducted in October 2022 with the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office and the California Department of Insurance targeting unlicensed contractors. He didn’t show up for his scheduled appointment but sent his parents instead to ask for a bid. This assisted investigators in contacting Rivas.

Rivas was arrested again in November 2022 for posing as a licensed contractor in the landscaping industry and stealing thousands of dollars from unsuspecting consumers.

New Revolution In The Construction Industry? Skyscrapers Made Of Wood

We found this to be an interesting story. Builders are increasingly turning away from concrete and steel in favor of wood. In some cases, the material – known as mass timber – is even being used to construct skyscrapers. It’s becoming a sort of revolution.

Are wooden skyscrapers the future? What do you think?

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 

Your Satisfaction Is Our Success!

Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.


Based on 755 reviews
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Sebastian Franco
19:19 06 Mar 25
If you ever run across RMO Agency, make sure you don't pick another company. The team that they have built is incredible and the information they provide is well-versed! Also if you get Cher, Cecy and Wendy to help you through the process, just know that they will take care of you every step of the way! Highly recommended to any construction company or contractor!
Lindsay Shenkman
22:23 05 Mar 25
I was with the RMO company for 5 years, and just recently graduated last week. My RMO was great to work with and the RMO company was always there to answer any questions or help navigate any issues with the CSLB. We appreciate all they have done for us and am looking forward to becoming my own RMO to another company in the future.
Angel Salazar
21:55 05 Mar 25
Had a great experience working with RMO. Angelika helped us put a lot and was very helpful being there every step of the way.
See All Reviews


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • D’ARCO Inc
  • Attica Green Solution Inc
  • Fog City Construction
  • Rooter John Co


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RMO World – Issue 17: March 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Featured in this edition:

  • CSLB Makes Another Bust
  • RMO Agency Beavers Episode 3
  • An RMO Shares Her Experience
  • The BIGGEST Construction Project On the East Coast
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

Dozen Unlicensed Contractors Cited in Undercover Sting in Central Valley

SACRAMENTO, CA During a two-day undercover sting operation in Tulare, the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) cited a dozen individuals for charging thousands of dollars on home improvement projects. Suspects could face serious fines and/or jail time as a result.

In January, CSLB’s Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT), in partnership with the California Department of Insurance, went undercover and asked the alleged unlicensed contractors to bid on jobs at a single-family home. Of those invited, 12 were found to be contracting illegally. Eleven individuals were issued a Notice to Appear in criminal court at the sting site while one individual was referred to the Tulare County District Attorney for misdemeanor prosecution for placing a construction bid after leaving the property.

The bids ranged from $790 for flooring to as much as $5,600 for landscaping – all above the legal $500 threshold for contracting without a license. In California, contracting without a license is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $15,000.

Read Full Story HERE

The RMO Agency Beavers: Episode 3

In this episode, Rowdy needs some help and his RMO from RMO Agency comes to the rescue. If you need an RMO to get you licensed and help you out, call us, and we’ll take care of it all.

Cynthia Shares Her Experience Being An RMO

In this video taken from our holiday Zoom party in December, one of our RMOs, Cynthia shares her experience with RMO Agency. Whether you want to be an RMO or need your license fast, call us today 800-818-4962 ext. 101 Or email: hello@rmoagency.com

The BIGGEST Construction Project On the East Coast

A video we found interesting. It’s the biggest construction project east of the Mississippi. They’re running 20 hours a day working and 4 hours refueling, 6 days a week. What an amazing build!

*Note: RMO Agency is not affiliated with any product endorsements or opinions in this video.

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 

Your Satisfaction Is Our Success!

Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.


Based on 755 reviews
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Sebastian Franco
19:19 06 Mar 25
If you ever run across RMO Agency, make sure you don't pick another company. The team that they have built is incredible and the information they provide is well-versed! Also if you get Cher, Cecy and Wendy to help you through the process, just know that they will take care of you every step of the way! Highly recommended to any construction company or contractor!
Lindsay Shenkman
22:23 05 Mar 25
I was with the RMO company for 5 years, and just recently graduated last week. My RMO was great to work with and the RMO company was always there to answer any questions or help navigate any issues with the CSLB. We appreciate all they have done for us and am looking forward to becoming my own RMO to another company in the future.
Angel Salazar
21:55 05 Mar 25
Had a great experience working with RMO. Angelika helped us put a lot and was very helpful being there every step of the way.
See All Reviews


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • Iron Roots
  • ABC Home Builders
  • Evergreen Builders Group
  • R Sanchez


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RMO World – Issue 16: February 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Featured in this edition:

  • Love From Our Appreciated Clients
  • 2023 License Law & Reference Book
  • An RMO Shares His Experience
  • Attorney General Issues Warning
  • Price Gouging Laws Remain in Effect
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

Some Love From Our Appreciated Clients

Since Valentine’s is all about love and appreciation, we thought we would share just a little bit of love from our clients. We appreciate all of you!

“Wow! RMO Agency LLC was such a godsend! I had been trying to secure an RMO for months and finally found this agency. They found someone within a week! The process was so well defined and simple. They provided all the information I needed to succeed and my license was granted in record time. I can’t say enough good things about this company.”

– Cheronda S.

“I’m so thankful to be an RMO for this agency! I have ambitious and responsible contractors who work hard each day. RMO Agency is always there to help us in every situation that happens. I recommend this agency if you’re retired and want to stay active. It’s a great way to spend your day!”

– Cynthia O.

“The RMO Agency has been fantastic to work with. For all your Contractor Licensing needs, I highly recommend this company! Very friendly staff and very knowledgable and helpful. Thank you RMO Agency for all you have done so far and continue to do.”

– Rafi B.

2023 California Contractors License Law & Reference Book Now Available

Purchase your copy or view or download a free PDF

The 2023 edition of the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) California Contractors License Law & Reference Book (Law Book) is now available. The Law Book can be purchased directly from the publisher, or the online PDF version can be viewed or downloaded at no cost on the CSLB website.

The Law Book features a summary of new contracting laws that became effective on January 1, 2023.

The all-inclusive book details CSLB’s history and mission and offers specialized sections about becoming a licensed contractor, maintaining a license, home improvement contracting requirements, business management, and safety regulations. It also contains California’s Business and Professions Code and other construction-related state codes, and Contractors State License Law rules and regulations.

“The 2023 Law Book is an essential guide for members of the California construction industry,” said David Fogt, CSLB Registrar. “This tool can help current contractors manage their business and help potential contractors get information on how to obtain a license.”

The Law Book can only be purchased directly from publisher LexisNexis online or by calling (877) 394-8826. The price is $50.00 plus tax, shipping, and handling.

The Law Book is available as a PDF on the CSLB website and can be downloaded for free.

Thomas Shares His Experience Being An RMO

In this video taken from our holiday Zoom party in December, one of our RMOs, Thomas shares his experience with RMO Agency. Whether you want to be an RMO or need your license fast, call us today 800-818-4962 ext. 101 Or email: hello@rmoagency.com

Attorney General Bonta Warns Against Hiring Unlicensed Contractors

California Attorney General Rob Bonta has issued a consumer alert warning Californians to beware of fake and unlicensed contractors soliciting their services to Californians affected by damage from the recent winter storms.

In this alert, Attorney General Bonta urges Californians to take precautions by hiring only licensed contractors and reminds businesses that price gouging during a state of emergency is illegal under Penal Code Section 396. As noted by the Contractors State License Board (CSLB), anyone who contracts for work in a state or federal natural disaster area without an active state contractor license may be subject to felony charges.

“As Californians recover from the devastating storms, the last thing they should worry about is being scammed by bad actors,” said Attorney General Bonta. “We will not tolerate those who take advantage of consumers during this time of struggle for many. I urge all Californians to be diligent and do their research before making any kind of home repair through a contractor. Additionally, if you believe you have been a victim of price gouging, report it to your local authorities or to my office at oag.ca.gov/report.”

“Disaster survivors take a huge risk when they hire unlicensed contractors,” said CSLB Registrar David Fogt. “Most are not properly insured and likely don’t have the skills or knowledge to perform the work. It is important to verify on CSLB’s website the person you are working with is included on CSLB’s license records.”

Don’t Fall Victim to Unlicensed Contractors

The California Department of Justice works closely with the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) to ensure residents do not fall victim to unlicensed home reparation and reconstruction services. As a reminder, CSLB encourages everyone to check all contractors’ license numbers on the CSLB website and check each contractor’s pocket license to confirm the listed personnel on the license. Complaints against contractors for unlicensed practices and other violations of contractor’s license law can be filed online.

Additional tips and recommendations from CSLB:

  • Don’t rush into repairs or cleanup, no matter how badly they’re needed.
  • Don’t sign over any payment checks from your insurance company.
  • Hire only California-licensed contractors. Ask to see the license. The license number must be on all ads, contracts, and business cards.
  • Don’t pay more than 10 percent down or $1,000 — whichever is less.
  • Don’t pay cash, and don’t let the payments get ahead of the work. Only pay for work as it is completed to your satisfaction.
  • Avoid making the final payment until you’re satisfied with the job.

Price Gouging Laws Remain in Effect

California law generally prohibits charging a price that exceeds, by more than 10%, the price of an item before a state or local declaration of emergency. For any item a seller only began selling after an emergency declaration, the law generally prohibits charging a price that exceeds the seller’s cost of the item by more than 50%. This law applies to those who sell food, emergency supplies, medical supplies, building materials, and gasoline. The law also applies to repair or reconstruction services, emergency cleanup services, certain transportation services, freight and storage services, hotel accommodations, and rental housing. Exceptions to this prohibition exist if, for example, the price of labor, goods, or materials has increased for the business.

Violators of the price gouging statute are subject to criminal prosecution that can result in a one-year imprisonment in county jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000. Violators are also subject to civil enforcement actions including civil penalties of up to $2,500 per violation, injunctive relief, and mandatory restitution. The Attorney General and local district attorneys can enforce the statute.

For additional information on price gouging, please see oag.ca.gov/consumers/pricegougingduringdisasters.

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 

Your Satisfaction Is Our Success!

Please contact us with any questions at:
Email hello@rmoagency.com
Call 800-818-4962.


Based on 755 reviews
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Sebastian Franco
19:19 06 Mar 25
If you ever run across RMO Agency, make sure you don't pick another company. The team that they have built is incredible and the information they provide is well-versed! Also if you get Cher, Cecy and Wendy to help you through the process, just know that they will take care of you every step of the way! Highly recommended to any construction company or contractor!
Lindsay Shenkman
22:23 05 Mar 25
I was with the RMO company for 5 years, and just recently graduated last week. My RMO was great to work with and the RMO company was always there to answer any questions or help navigate any issues with the CSLB. We appreciate all they have done for us and am looking forward to becoming my own RMO to another company in the future.
Angel Salazar
21:55 05 Mar 25
Had a great experience working with RMO. Angelika helped us put a lot and was very helpful being there every step of the way.
See All Reviews


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • Azizi Remodeling Inc
  • Juniper Construction Inc
  • Gold Standard Builders Inc


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RMO World – Issue 15: January 2023

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Issue # 15

January 2023

Featured in this edition:

  • Happy New Year!
  • RMO Agency Holiday Party Highlights
  • New Year, New Laws
  • Fraud Alert
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

Happy New Year!

New year, new goals. As we head into 2023, RMO Agency is here for you now more than ever!

We look forward to serving you in 2023.
We are here to get you licensed.
We are here to help you make extra income with your existing license.
In 2023, we are here!

Also, if you know someone looking to get licensed, want to add a classification to their business, or seasoned contractors looking to pay it forward as RMOs for new contractors, our refer-a-friend program will pay you $250 for each successful referral! Send them our way and we will discuss the benefits of signing up with RMO Agency!

RMO Agency Holiday Zoom Party

This year we had a fun get-together on Zoom with some of our wonderful RMO’s. We talked, we laughed, and gave away some holiday gifts. Check out this playlist for some of the highlights!

CSLB Reminds Licensees of New Laws Beginning January 1, 2023

Sacramento, CA – Heading into 2023, the Contractors State License Board wants to remind licensees of new laws taking effect in the new year.

SB 216 (Dodd)

This bill requires that by January 1, 2026, all contractors, except for joint ventures without employees, hold valid workers’ compensation insurance, whether or not they have employees. More information about this new law can be found in a November industry bulletin. (Chapter 978, Statutes of 2022)

SB 607 (Min)
This bill updates numerous sections of the BPC, and increases the CSLB qualifier, licensing and application maintenance and service fees, and minimum disciplinary bonds from $12,500 and $15,000, respectively, to $25,000 for all three bonds as of January 1. More information about the bond increase can be found in this industry bulletin issued in September.

SB 1237 (Newman)

This bill updates current law that requires DCA boards, including CSLB, to waive renewal fees for a licensee who is called to active duty as a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or California National Guard if the licensee or registrant is stationed outside of California and expands the definition of “called to active duty”.

AB 2105 (Smith)

This bill requires the board to grant a 50% fee reduction for an initial license or registration fee to an applicant who provides specified documentation to the board that the applicant is a veteran who has served as an active-duty member of the United States Armed Forces and was not dishonorably discharged.

SB 1443 (Roth)

This bill amends the statutory sunset date of CSLB from January 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025. (Chapter 625, Statutes of 2022)

AB 1747 (Quirk)

This bill increases the civil penalty from $8,000 to $30,000 for every violation of building laws and assessment of civil penalties. In addition to building permit violations, the bill includes the failure to comply with certain health and safety laws, water laws, safe excavation requirements, pest control requirements, illegal dumping, and other state laws related to building and insurance requirements. (Chapter 757, Statutes of 2022)

AB 2374 (Bauer-Kahan)

This bill amends Penal Code Section 374.3, which requires courts to notify CSLB or other DCA boards or bureaus when a licensee is convicted of an illegal dumping crime in order for the board to publish it on their website and increases the fines a court may impose for this crime and require responsible persons to remove or pay for the removal of the waste matter that was illegally dumped. (Chapter 784, Statutes of 2022)

AB 2916 (McCarty)

This bill updates the CSLB Letter of Admonishment (LOA) program to allow CSLB to determine whether it should be issued for one or two years, rather than the current one-year limitation. (Chapter 293, Statutes of 2022)

Fraud Alert: Scammers Threaten License Revocation Via Text Message

Story From the CSLB

Sacramento, CA – The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) has learned of a new text message scam targeting licensees. In the most recent scheme, an individual sends a text message to licensees stating, “Inspect your type c and b license immediately for accuracy to avoid revocation” and links to a non-CSLB website.

Please be advised that CSLB staff will never use text message to contact licensees and will not ask for confidential information via text message.

NEVER disclose personal information, such as your full social security number, date of birth, or credit/debit card numbers, without first taking steps to verify that the person requesting the information has a legitimate need for it.

If you receive a text message from an individual asking about the status of your license or attempting to gather personal information or collect payment, please:

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • Arbor Co Tree Care
  • Gettler Construction Inc
  • Kyvos Construction Inc
  • Robertson Testing Inc


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RMO World – Issue 14: December 2022

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Issue # 14

December 2022

Featured in this edition:

  • Meet The RMO Agency Beavers
  • Recent Graduate Turned RMO
  • CSLB Workers’ Compensation Insurance Requirements
  • CSLB Reminds Contractors of Progress Payment Restrictions
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

Introducing the RMO Agency Beavers

Meet Rowdy, Rowie, and Rema, they are the RMO Agency Beavers. Watch their stories below!

Meet Vicki, A Recent Graduate Turned RMO

A recent RMO graduate shares her experience with RMO Agency and why now that she has her own license wants to be an RMO herself. Congratulations Vicki!

CSLB Workers’ Compensation Insurance Requirements

CSLB Shares Additional Details Regarding Workers’ Compensation Insurance Requirement for Four License Classifications

Sacramento, CA – The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) wants to inform active licensees starting January 1, 2023, renewals will not be processed without proof of workers’ compensation insurance for license classifications C-8 (Concrete), C-20 (Warm-Air Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning), C-22 (Asbestos Abatement), and D-49 (Tree Service), regardless of whether the contractor has employees.

As of January 1, 2023, Business & Professions Code Section 7125 will require workers’ compensation insurance as a condition for issuing, reinstating, reactivating, renewing, or maintaining a license in one of these classifications. Section 7125 also requires the removal of these classifications from any license that is not in compliance as of July 1, 2023. CSLB understands and will apply these deadlines in the following manner.

If you hold one of these license classifications:

  • After January 1, 2023, no license in these classifications will be issued, reinstated, reactivated, or renewed without a valid Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance.
  • If you have an active license, do not have employees, and are not due to renew until after June 30, 2023, CSLB will not require you to have proof of workers’ compensation insurance on file until July 1, 2023.

After June 30, 2023, any licensee holding a C-8, C-20, C-22, or D-49 that does not have a Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance on file with CSLB will have that classification removed. Because it may take time to seek and obtain a workers’ compensation insurance policy, CSLB strongly recommends that you not wait until this deadline to obtain a policy and file your certificate.

The new workers’ compensation insurance requirement for C-8, C-20, C-22, and D-49 licensees is the result of Senate Bill 216 which takes effect January 1, 2023. The only exception in SB 216 is for joint venture licenses, which will still be able to file a certificate of exemption if one of the joint venture license entities has a workers’ compensation insurance policy.

SB 216 also requires that all active contractors – with or without employees – have a valid Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance by January 1, 2026.

Need to Know How to File a Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance with CSLB?

  • Information about filing a Certificate of Workers’ Compensation with CSLB can be found on the CSLB website.
  • Licensees can have their insurance company or broker file the certificate of insurance online with CSLB.

Need to Know More about Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

  • Contractors can obtain workers’ compensation coverage from any licensed insurer.
  • The California Department of Insurance has workers’ compensation insurance resources on its website.
  • The State Compensation Insurance Fund provides workers’ compensation coverage to many contractors and offers resources specifically designed for the construction industry. Contractors can obtain an online quote from State Fund on its website.

If licensees in the C-8, C-20, C-22, and D-49 classifications already have a Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance on file with CSLB, this is informational only and no further action is needed.

CSLB Reminds Contractors of Progress Payment Restrictions

Sacramento, CA – The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) wants to remind all contractors that the Business and Professions Code (BPC) restricts payments on home improvement contracts to a maximum down payment of $1,000 and subsequent payments must not exceed the value of materials and work performed, including for residential solar.

BPC sections 7159 and 7159.5 contain mandatory home improvement contract provisions regarding down payments and progress payments for home improvement work. The definition of home improvement includes solar energy systems.

Home improvement contract provisions limit contract payments and require the following language to be in the contract, pursuant to BPC sections 7159(d)(8) and (9).

  • The heading: “Down Payment”
  • A space where the actual amount of the down payment appears
  • The following statement in at least 12-point boldface type: “THE DOWN PAYMENT MAY NOT EXCEED $1,000 OR 10 PERCENT OF THE CONTRACT PRICE, WHICHEVER IS LESS.”
  • Schedule of Payments: If a home improvement contract includes a payment schedule, rather than payment at project completion, the progress payment(s) must show the amount of each payment and explain what work, materials, or services have been completed for that payment, and be preceded by the heading “Schedule of Progress Payments.”
  • The following statement must be included in a contract that provides for a payment schedule in at least 12-point boldface type:
    • “The schedule of progress payments must specifically describe each phase of work, including the type and amount of work or services scheduled to be supplied in each phase, along with the amount of each proposed progress payment.  IT IS AGAINST THE LAW FOR A CONTRACTOR TO COLLECT PAYMENT FOR WORK NOT YET COMPLETED, OR FOR MATERIALS NOT YET DELIVERED. HOWEVER, A CONTRACTOR MAY REQUIRE A DOWN PAYMENT.”

Contractors found to be in violation of home improvement contract law are subject to disciplinary action from the CSLB as well as inclusion on the Public Utilities Commission Watch List. In addition, a violation of BPC section 7159.5 and its provisions regarding down payment and progress payment restrictions is punishable as a misdemeanor.

To ensure you are complying with home improvement contract law, please see CSLB’sContracting for Success Brochure.

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • Elite Remodeling Group Inc.
  • Reliance Roofing Inc.


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RMO World – Issue 13: November 2022

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Issue # 13

November 2022

Featured in this edition:

  • What An RMO Has To Say About RMO Agency
  • Meet The RMO Agency Team Pt. 4
  • Building A House In 9 Minutes
  • Lunch With Local RMOs
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

What An RMO Has To Say About RMO Agency

Meet Craig, who recently joined our program. He shares some of his experience and thoughts on being an RMO and working with RMO Agency.

Meet The RMO Agency Team Pt. 4 - Tips For RMOs

The RMO Agency team gives you tips on the RMO/contractor relationship.

Local RMO Networking Luncheon in October

Click thumbnail for larger photo

This past October we went out to lunch with a few of our local RMO ambassadors. It was a great experience for all, they shared some stories about their construction experience and tips for being great RMOs to their new contractors. Our RMOs got to enjoy a healthy lunch, network with like minded contractors, talk construction, and anything else that came up, and overall we had a great afternoon! Our community is strong and supportive and we are grateful for our clients and their stories! Please let us know if you want to join a future RMO Community networking event and we’ll reach out if we are in your area!

Thank you for being a part of our RMO Connect Community!

Building A House In 9 Minutes: A Construction Time-Lapse

Who couldn’t enjoy watching some guys crushing it and getting a job done? We enjoyed this time-lapse video of building a house and thought you would too.

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • S And L Remodeling And Design Inc
  • Summit Clean Air Llc Dba Crawl Space And Attic Pro


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RMO World – Issue 12: October 2022

1000 560 Gal Bigaleizn

Issue # 12

October 2022

Featured in this edition:

  • Meet The RMO Agency Team Pt. 3
  • CSLB & Butte County DA Go After Unlicensed Contractors
  • CSLB Reminds Licensees of Contractor’s Bond Increase to $25,000
  • Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us

Meet The RMO Agency Team Pt. 3

Meet The RMO Agency Team in this video playlist. In this video we go over Tips For Contractors on Keeping Your New License in Good Standing

CSLB & Butte County District Attorney Continue Effort to Protect Camp Fire Survivors from Unlicensed Contractors

Agencies joined forces to conduct undercover sting operation in declared disaster area

As Camp Fire survivors in the Paradise area of Butte County continue to rebuild, the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT) and Butte County District Attorney’s Office (DA’s Office) remain alert to unlicensed or unscrupulous contractors who take advantage of the situation. The agencies collaborated recently to conduct an undercover sting operation.
Bids received during the operation ranged from $2,200 for tree removal to $12,700 for the installation of concrete.

CSLB Reminds Licensees of Contractor’s Bond Increase to $25,000

Sacramento, CA – The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) is reminding all licensees that the contractor’s bond amount is increasing to $25,000 on January 1, 2023.

CSLB first publicized this increase in December 2021. The increase is the result of Senate Bill 607, which was signed into law in 2021. The increase applies to the contractor license bond (from $15,000 to $25,000) and the bond of qualifying individual (from $12,500 to $25,000).

CSLB distributed notices to 203 surety companies on September 28, 2022, with instructions for automatically increasing all licenses’ bonds and bonds of qualifying individuals currently on file with CSLB. If you are a licensed contractor, your surety company or broker should contact you soon to inform you of any changes to your bond premium.

You can also contact your surety company directly to ensure they have returned documentation to CSLB to increase your bond. If you know the name of your surety company, you can look up their contact information here. The name and contact information of your surety is also on your bond agreement itself or your broker can provide it. Questions about any increase to your bond premium must be directed to your broker or surety company and not CSLB.

Revised contractor bond and bond of qualifying individual forms with the new bond amounts will be available to the sureties in December 2022.

The increase occurred in part due to a license bond study CSLB conducted as required by Business and Professions Code section 7071.6. The study determined that the current $15,000 amount of the contractor bond is not sufficient and an increase may be necessary.

More information about bonds can be found on CSLB’s website.

Got A Story? Lunch Is On Us...

Got a successful RMO-Contractor relationship? Meet for lunch, share your story & tips of good RMO practices, send us a video and lunch is on us!

Details apply, terms are stated below and at the end of the video.

Terms: Send the link to your video to:

Receipt required to redeem payment. Payment to be equal to receipt presented or $50, whichever is less. Compensation to be made in the form of a Visa or MC Gift Card. Video Must be 2-5 minutes in length. One submission per person per calendar month. By submitting, you attest the story you share is yours and accurate to the best of your recollection. By submitting you are allowing RMO Agency to use your video for promotional purposes without any further compensation to you or anyone else involved. RMO Agency reserves the right to determine if submissions are appropriate and useable, any submission determined inappropriate or unusable, will not be compensated. 


Congratulations to our recent graduates:

  • Crescenta Valley Tile Distributor Inc
  • Summit Clean Air LLC
  • Perez family Landscaping
  • S And L Remodeling And Design Inc


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