FAQ: Getting Licensed with An RMO

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Frequently Asked Questions about Getting a Contractor License in California with a Responsible Managing Officer (RMO)

Q: What is a Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) in the context of a contractor license in California?
A: A Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) is an individual who qualifies the contractor’s license on behalf of a construction company. They are responsible for overseeing and managing the company’s construction operations and ensuring compliance with licensing requirements. Having an RMO for a company waives the licensing requirement for other officers and allows the company to get licensed. Many companies choose to outsource the RMO position to an external officer rather than going through the testing process with internal existing officers.

Q: Can an RMO be added to an existing contractor’s license in California?
A: Yes, companies may choose to add classifications to their existing license when choosing to expand their offered services. Hiring an RMO will waive the exam requirements and the additional classification will be added to their existing license. To add an RMO, the licensed company must submit an application to the CSLB, provide proof of the RMO’s qualifications, and pay the necessary fees.

Q: How long does it take to get a contractor license in California with an RMO?
A: The processing time for a contractor’s license application in California can vary. Generally, it takes about 3 to 4 months for a correctly completed application to be reviewed and approved. However, factors such as current CSLB processing times, the completeness of the application, background checks, and other verification processes can influence the timeline.

For more detailed and up-to-date information, it is advisable to visit the official website of the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) in California.

Note: This FAQ is meant as a general guide and should not be considered legal advice.